The result is an increase in the member bank deposits with the central bank, which allows the former to extend some ten times as much credit. 结果是,会员银行在中央银行的存款数额增加,使会员银行可以将信贷扩大十倍之多。
For them, the bank gives a check which soon finds its way back to the central institution as a deposit, credited to the account of some member bank. 而中央银行用支票支付证券,很快支票又会作为存款进入中央银行,并记入同一家会员银行的账户。
Reverse the process, and you have the central bank selling securities, lowering member bank balances, and tightening credit. 如果是相反的情况,中央银行可以卖出证券,减少会员银行的存款,收紧信贷。
South Korea also announced its decision to apply before the deadline and expects to be a founding member of the bank, Reuters reported. 而据路透社消息,韩国也在截止日期前宣布提交申请,并希望能够成为亚投行创始成员国。
Taiwan became a founding member of the Asian Development Bank under its formal name, the Republic of China. 台湾以其正式名称中华民国成为亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)的创始成员。
As a former staff member of the World Bank, I must smile. 作为世界银行的一名前员工,听到这句话我就笑了。
The BIS view runs counter to that of the Federal Reserve, its largest member central bank, which made it clear last week that its interest rates would remain extremely low for an extended period. BIS的这一观点与美联储(FED)的观点背道而驰。这家BIS最大的成员央行上周宣布,它将在较长的一个时期内继续维持极低的利率。
The UK Treasury said George Osborne, chancellor of the exchequer, had discussed his intention to become a founding member of the new bank with Jack Lew, his US counterpart. 英国财政部(Treasury)表示,财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)曾和美国财政部长杰克•卢(JackLew)讨论过成为亚投行创始成员国的意图。
As a new member of the Inter-American Development Bank, China can combine its interest in commodity production with infrastructure investments and environmental protections. 作为美洲开发银行(Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank)的新成员,中国可以将其在大宗商品生产领域的利益,与基础设施投资和环境保护联系起来。
A club member; a bank that is a member of the fdic. 俱乐部成员;联邦储蓄保险公司之成员银行。
Ms Zhang's assessment was echoed by Fan Gang, a member of the central bank's monetary policy committee, who warned yesterday that real estate in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen was expensive and there was a growing risk of asset price bubbles. 张欣的评估得到了中国央行货币政策委员会成员樊纲的呼应。樊纲昨日警告,北京、上海和深圳等城市的房地产价格昂贵,资产价格泡沫风险日益增长。
China benefited from being a member of the World Bank. 加入世行使中国受益匪浅。
Buy fund, can go to a bank opening account of a fund first, stock money, specific buy that kind of fund the staff member that you can consult a bank. 买基金,可以先去银行开一个基金账户,将钱存入,具体买那一种基金你可以咨询一下银行的工作人员。
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, creates opportunity for people to escape poverty and improve their lives. 世行集团下属机构国际金融公司为人们摆脱贫困和改善生活创造机会。
They ended with member nations urging the World Bank and IMF to draw on the "full range" of their resources to help developing countries weather the fallout from the turmoil. 在会议结束之际,成员国敦促世界银行和国际货币基金会利用其“全部”资源帮助发展中国家战胜动荡造成的影响。
I think there is a stabilising, I think that makes sense, said David Blanchflower, professor of economics at Dartmouth College and a former member of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee. 达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)经济学教授、前英国央行货币政策委员会委员戴维布兰奇福劳(DavidBlanchflower)表示:我认为经济正在企稳,我认为这说得通。
Vitor Constancio, a member of the European Central Bank Governing Council, warned yesterday that higher oil prices could "create stagflation conditions". 欧洲央行(ecb)理事会理事康斯坦西奥(vitorconstancio)昨日警告称,油价上涨可能“造成滞胀的局面”。
What's essential about the Primary Dealer Credit Facility is that they're opening up the discount window of lending beyond the member bank to primary dealers. 一级交易商信贷工具中,最本质的东西是,他们将会员银行的贴现窗口,向一级交易商打开了。
Each of these sectors already has a system of joint and several liability, which means that no individual member bank is allowed to go bust. 这两大支柱部分均已构建了一套连带责任体系,这意味着没有任何一家单独的银行会被允许破产。
If after a member bank provides cable confirmation, capital arrives at our account abroad later than the due dated day, the bank shall be charged back valuation according to inter-banking compensation rules. 如会员银行在提供电汇证实书后,资金实际到达我境外账户的日期迟于应到帐起息日,则参照同业赔付规则向其计收倒起息。
Article41if there is any dispute of futures transaction among any member, client, depository bank for futures transaction or other participants of futures market, they can resolve the dispute through consultation or submit the dispute to the exchange for mediation. 第四十一条会员、客户、期货保证金存管银行及期货市场其他参与者之间发生期货交易纠纷的,可以自行协商解决,也可以提请交易所调解。
According to the regulations of International Credit Card Organization, every member bank must design the logo of the organization on the face of the credit card. 根据国际信用卡组织的标识,每个会员银行发行的信用卡面上必须带有该组织的标识。
Debt representation letter: A letter from a member to the Bank outlining the country's external debt. 外债报告书:会员国致世界银行概述该国外债情况的信。
Any other Signatory which complies with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, shall become a member of the Bank on the date on which its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval is deposited. 任何其他履行本条第一款规定的签署方,在交存批准书、接受书或核准书之日起成为银行成员。
Any question of interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement arising between any member and the Bank, or between two or more members of the Bank, shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for decision. 成员与银行之间或成员之间在解释或实施本协定规定发生疑问时,应提交董事会决定。
Each member shall designate its central bank, or such other institution as may be agreed upon with the Bank, as a depository with which the Bank may keep its holdings of currency of that member as well as other assets of the Bank. 每个成员都应指定其中央银行或其他经成员与银行双方认可的类似机构作为存托机构,银行可将其持有的该成员货币资金及银行的其他资产存托于该机构。
However, at any time before the withdrawal becomes finally effective, the member may notify the Bank in writing of the cancellation of its notice of intention to withdraw. 但在退出最终生效前,该成员可随时以书面形式通知银行撤回其退出意向通知。
On this basis, discussion based on B/ S structure of the interface between the two systems is held, and detailed analysis the Member Bank Front End system way realizes the interface changes the course of the function. 在此基础上,讨论基于B/S架构的两个系统间接口的方法,详细分析了采用银行Web服务器前置机方式实现接口转换功能的过程。
I was a member of Bank of JiLin, and I experienced the restructuring and some reforms of the bank of JiLin, and I sincerely hope this can benefit the development of the Bank of JiLin. 本人作为吉林银行的一员,亲历了吉林银行的重组及各项改革,衷心希望本文能对吉林银行的发展有所裨益。